Hunt's Point Market progress


Well-Known Member
I made some more progress on my hunt’s point market project and did a really dumb thing last night. I cut out the skylight holes in the roof for building #2 but I cut them in the wrong place. They were supposed to be cut on the opposite side of the building where the enclosed track is located as in the other building. I cut them over the loading dock Dumb, Dumb, Dumb. Now I have to fix that. I also have to add some vents to the track side of the buildings. You don’t want to be in an enclosed area when a RS-3 is running. Your eyes would start watering right away. That’s it for now the next photos I post should be of the finished project.

Wow George, that really looks cool!! I love it

What buildings did you use for it?

Hopefully the little mistake will be a quick and easy fix :D
Josh I used 4 City Classics 107 Carsons St. Rail/Truck terminal $12.00 each and another one of their building for the office $15.00. I not sure which one it is. I glued 2 of the Rail/Truck terminals together to make building #1 & 2# and still have to add a short structure linking them together. I call it hunt’s point market but it’s more like the A&P warehouse that use to be in Elmsford, NY. It had two enclosed tracks that could hold 12 cars each. The truck docks were on the opposite side of the building. The last time I was there was 1975 but I thought I remembered skylights over the enclosed track area so I added them.

George, good looking work. I'd just take some styrene, cover the holes, and mount your mechanicals on them. No one would ever know the difference. Heck, at least you didn't put any walls on backwards or on the wrong side. I've done that too many times to count. :)
Excellent idea

Jim that’s an excellent idea. That will save me a lot of work and why couldn’t I think of that. Thanks again Jim.

Brain lock

Jim It’s just that I been doing commercial construction for the last 25 years. We’re always pouring concrete pads or adding steel I beams supports for the roof mechanics, pipes etc. to rest on. Nothing ever just sits on the roof itself. I guess my brain locked up. I’ll start looking through my junk box today and see what I can find.

Sometimes no matter what you do in real life, you just need a jump start to get the 'ol brain working when you are in the model mode!
A&P warehouse

Gino do you have a photo?

This project started out to be the old Hunts Point Market in New York city, but I really didn’t have the room to do even 1/10th of the original location. So I kind of changed my mind to recreate a sort of scaled down version of the old A&P warehouse in Elmsford, NY, which had the 2 enclosed tracks.

