Help W/ Bachman G - Engine wheels "locked"


New Member
I don't know what I'm doing here, and I'm sure this is obvious. But I have a G Serices Backman Sante Fe train set. The wheels on the engine seem to be locked. I'm sure there is a switch or something, but it isn't obvious to me. This was my dads and only used a few times and he says it worked fine. Please help! 4 year old twins anxiously awaiting a moving train.
We really, really like pictures on this forum. :) Please, do post some photos (or link to them) of your engine so that we can see exactly what type, brand, year, quality of engine you have, so that we know exactly what we're dealing with. A video on Youtube could help too.

No model railroad locomotive that I know of has a switch that locks the wheels. However, most model railroad locomotives do not have free-turning wheels. In other words, the motor has to turn them, and it's very hard/impossible to turn them by hand.

That being said, if your Dad said that it worked fine, it probably does. If it's been sitting for a couple years, either on a shelf or in a box, it'll need everything cleaned and lubed. All electrical contacts (wires, rails, locomotive drive wheels, maybe even the motor's commutator) will have to be cleaned. Moving parts, bearings, etc. could probably benefit from having some Labelle 107 (make sure that it is plastic compatible!) oil applied.

Remember, despite new technology, model trains are not a "plug and play" item. They need basic maintenance, and that basic maintenance will keep them running for a long time. In the end, it's all worth it to see the kids' faces light up. :)
Lubricant may have gelled and wheels now appear to be locked up. Try replacing that and see what happens.

If you continue to have problems that can't be identified, it may be well worth it to send it back to Bachmann Service dept. If they can't fix it, they may replace it {that is if you accept a replacement}

Here is the info for their repair site:

Just a tought.
Many G scale locos DO have an on off switch for the motor......I have 2, and one has an on off switch and the other has a track power/off/battery power switch. Bachmann usually hides it someplace.......mine is under one of the domes on top of the engine, but I've also seen them under the front cover of the smoke box. My Aristocraft just has a switch on the bottom in plain sight. Do other functions on the loco work....light? smoke? The switch usually just shuts down the motor, so the loco can sit on a siding and still light/smoke/make sounds/ect. If NOTHING works you may have other issues.
Ok, let me now reveal my complete ignorance. So the instructions read (and I was trying to follow them being a novice) that before I plugged in the power or turned it on, I should first set the engine on the track and make sure that I could move it back and forth and the wheels should move freely. It said to do that with each car, then couple them, then plug it in, then turn it on.

You all of course see where this is headed. The wheels won't go without the power! Thanks to the guy with the green hat, my light bulb went off and my power went on!

So it works. It does derail a lot though. The articulated engine seems, well, over-articulated. Is it suppose to slide really loosely?
