Hello everyone!


New Member
Hi there. I did some modeling when I was younger, and I have decided it is time to dig out my tools and build some actual layouts. I prefer to build in HO, although N scale is tempting due to the low amount of space we have. I'm mostly interested in locomotives and structures, while my wife is primarily interested in creating scenery and terrain.

We are still in the planning stages, but we are tending towards the 1890-1930 steam as being our main area of interest. We are also interested in branching out into some purely speculative stuff recreating trains from movies and TV that have never actually existed. That's probably for farther down the line when we've learned a lot more, though.

Anyway, we are eager to learn and looking forward to creating new things.

E Gardner
Welcome to the forum, glad to have you onboard.

It's very nice to hear about a husband and wife team, thanks for sharing your hobby with us.

Don't be a stranger, stop by the coffee shop and say hello if you have a chance.
That's marvellous, a husband and wife team engaging in this great hobby, sounds like some interesting projects in the pipeline.
Hello E. Welcome to the forum. We feel that we are the friendliest forum on the Internet. Refreshing to hear of a spouse that also enjoys modeling. Good luck on the layout and keep us posted. Ask any question and be assured that someone will have a good answer. As Louis posted, stop by the Coffee Shop and get to know some of the regulars.

Hello E. Welcome to the forum. We feel that we are the friendliest forum on the Internet. Refreshing to hear of a spouse that also enjoys modeling. Good luck on the layout and keep us posted. Ask any question and be assured that someone will have a good answer. As Louis posted, stop by the Coffee Shop and get to know some of the regulars.


Can't have 2 E's, will have to be EG. :p:rolleyes:
Thanks for the welcome! Sure, I actually go by EG in a lot of other places, so that works out rather well. :) As far as railroading goes, I'm taking up my Grandfather's legacy. He's been a master model railroader for decades and I've always been really interested in his work, but distance has always made it hard to learn from him. I'm not going to try to compete with his work, but hopefully I'll be able to learn to make some pretty interesting things of my own. EG
Welcome.gif to the forum EG. Was out of touch over the weekend. ice to have your with us. The hobby is a constant learning process. I am amazed at what I have learned over the years working in the hobby.
Welcome to the asylum! Having a family connection with experience will be priceless! The forum is the next best thing! It is MORE than likely ANY hitch in the gitalong will have been seen and dealt with in a variety of ways by those on these Hallowed Pages! There are NO dumb questions, only uninformed practitioners and there are many practitioners on this forum who are well informed! It's not just that but the VERY forthcoming and extremely valuable advice and scads of esoteric information that will cascade upon you from one question, that has impressed me the most!

Happy Rolling!
