Found, great paint for model rr


It is called Anita's All Purpose acrylic craft paint. This stuff is great. It is waterbase. I brushed it on a DPM kit right from the bottle and it looks air brushed. I have an airbrush and have done several kits with it and this paint(brushed on) lays down just as nice. It comes in lots and lots of colors and has a good selection of railroad friendly colors.I got mine at my local Hobby Lobby store. It is only .67 per 2 ounce bottle. They keep it in the craft area instead of the model department. They have several other lines of paint and the most expensive one I saw was still only 1.60 per bottle and it was some kind of metalic line of paint. I used the .67 stuff right from the bottle with a fine tip brush on some detail parts and they look great. Not thick or lumpy looking.It is very fast drying also.Just wanted to pass this on. Thanks
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Looks like great stuff! Only problem for me is, of all the stores that carry it, Michaels is NOT one of them. Michaels pretty much control the arts & crafts market in my area, no AC Moore's or any other competitors.

Here is the website on there they list a web site of a craft place that sells Anita's paints on line and they only ask .67 per bottle and it shows 17+pages of the colors you can buy. Hope this helps.
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They are opening a Hobby Lobby here on October 5 so I will keep an eye out our it. I've used the acrylic paint fpor the craft section of Michaels and some of it isn't bad, sometimes, better than Polly S in coverage. At less than a buck for a 4 ounce bottle, it never hurts to try.
