Ever had this happen to you at a restaurant?

There is a Dairy Queen store manager here locally that is a young kid. Early 20s IIRC. In his store, a blind person dropped a 20 dollar bill and didnt know it. Another jackass customer seen him drop it and picked it up and refused to give it back. The DQ manager threw out the customer and proceded to take his wallet out of his pocket and give the blind person 20 dollars of his own money.

He made national news (you might have seen the story) and is kind of a celebrity here in MN, he got to throw the 1st pitch as a Twins game, he was also guest on a major daytime talk show, and I guess was invited to be a personal guest of Warren Buffet but I dont recal what it was for last weekend.
I am a member of the Patriot Guard Riders. Those who never heard of us, we attend veterans funerals as a guest of the family and provide a barrier between the family and those who want to protest. Most members are veterans ourselves.
We did a funeral here in Laramie. Upon completion most of the members went to Perkins for a bite to eat. We had an older couple (military veteran) pick up the tab for the whole group. unknown to the group at the time, he and his wife came over introduced himself as a vet, and thanked us for what we do. It was a touching thanks.

Several times in the past few years when the wife and I go out to eat.
If I notice a person in a military uniform I will try to pick up their bill.

I have done this several times, usually I will ask the server to tell them "Thank you" for their service to the country.
This has happened several times at Tim Hortons across Canada I believe the record got into the low 100's for consecutive paying it forward.
