Digitrax UR90 wiring


BN Modeller
I'm just getting around to wiring my Digitrax UR90 panels ($20 each in the discount bin!) and I have a couple questions:

What is the purpose of the two silver screws on the rear marked "Rail A and Rail B" used for?

Is it necessary to solder the small center holes together for multiple panels, I'm thinking this is power distribution?

I tried the Digitrax site but it really didn't explain much. It also won't take a question longer than 60 characters in the questions area.:confused:
Mucho thanxo!
I looked at the UR-90 manual on line and it looks as though the only thing to wire these in, is to connect to a separate power supply, and plug it in to Loconet.

I would also check the Manuals for the various sets and see what they say about it, as the manuals will generally cover connecting various Loconet accessories to each.
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Hi Rico: The two silver screws are connected to the track. If you have local track power, the LED in the front of UR90 will glow orange. The small holes, which when connected to a Digitrax PS-12, (+12V-+15V) power supply gives you "Battery Saver" circuit. DJ
Thanx guys, I got them mounted in the corners of the room and they work great!
I only did the power and loconet, don't think I'll need the track indicator.
DJ... could you elaborate on the battery saver thing?
Hi Rico: My understanding is, if you have the UP panels powered, if you plug your throttle into one, the battery is disconnected and is powered by the UP panel. As to track power, I find it reassuring to see the LEDs glowing orange, telling me that power is reaching the track, at least at the UP panel location.
Thanx again Grampy, I may hook them up that way later.
The IR sure adds to the fun when you can follow your train around the room without stretching the cord around someones neck. ;)
