Decoder for Athearn MP15AC


Hello all,

I am going to pick up an athearn MP15AC in MKT colours, but i want to fit a decoder in it, i dont have the money for the sound version. What decoder would you recommend, i want a low cost one that still works good!

Athearn MP15C - decoder recommendation

Might I suggest this one. It completely replaces the current board in the loco, and is easy to install.

Digitrax has several others that are even cheaper but they require soldering.

Having done a number of these, I would not even consider a DH165A0 due to the lack of direct support for the 1.5V bullbs.

Use a 9 pin plug in type(easiest, thats what its for) or if you want board replacement then a TCS A6X that has 1.5V support for example.

The light board may have an 8 pin socket.

Using the tabs for connections is in my opinion more painfull than soldering anyway.

take care ,,, ken
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I appreciate your reply Ken. I don't do diesels except for repairs at the LHS. Even when installing decoders, unless specified by the customers, I install 16V lamps in all the diesels. When installing those lower voltage lamps, I just install the proper resistor to lower the voltage.

Since he didn't specify the number of functions he would need, I gave him a decoder that would have enough functions he would want/need later. Otherwise I would have said something like a DH-123. That one is under $20 bucks. The DH-165 acts as a full replacement for the original circuit board, and is easier for me to install. There are no problems with room.
