DCC sound on DC layout?

OK my searches only seem to bring up converting to DCC not actually what I'm wanting. Before I get too deep I just want to add I don't need to be sold on the advances in DCC and how great it is and why I need to buy all this new expensive equipment to turn power on and off.

That being said I run DC and am curious about if you can simply modify a DCC sound decoder to work in a DC layout with a DC powered engine. This would save a lot of work animating the hidden speakers I plan through this new layout. So has anyone done this? How did it work out? Or if experiences with DCC sound do you think it could be done?
I'm familiar with DC and it works great ... Just wondering if a few small modern advances couldn't hurt.
A DCC locomotive will operate on DC. I am old school and really don't need DCC as I usually only run one locomotive at a time. Recently my son gave me a DCC with sound locomotive and it operates just fine on my DC layout. The sound was apparently pre programmed, and it chugs (steamer) just fine. Gives the proper whistle signals for starting, stopping and going in reverse. The bell also comes on automatically at low speed and turns off as the speed increases. I have no control for whistle signals at grade crossings.

The only thing I believe you have to look out for operating a DCC locomotive on DC is to not use the pulse mode if you have it from what I understand.
You will get most of the DCC sound features on a DC layout if you buy a DCC with sound locomotive. It will run on your DC system. The bell and horn may not sound but you will get other sounds. There is an extra box you can buy to get the bell and horn features without going DCC. Google the exact system first to be sure, but I am sure the BLI locos (Broadway Limited) will work.

I have DC too and think I will buy an expensive DCC with sound loco some day. I am not interested in a DCC system and have ruled it out because all my locos are old and I don't need to have several locos running on my track at once.
Thanks for the replies so I should be able to install a preprogramed sound decoder in an existing DC engine. I'm not worried about whistle blows at crossings as its a logging route so there's only a couple and they are in the camp where they wouldn't unless someone was blocking the track. But I would like the steam engine sounds as it chugs along.
That sounds good ... Are there any decoders that I could put a custom sound on like the sound of the fireman shoveling or the boiler relief valve blowing off steam when coming to a complete stop??? Or am I just stuck with the sound the company thinks it should make?
Bachmann use Tsunami dual mode sound decoders. When it comes to sound decoders on DC, the effects are usually quite limited. Fortunately on this model, the start/stop/reverse whistle has been activated, along with the bell, to operate automatically as appropriate to the engines motion. This has to be done by setting the CV's in DCC mode. (with Tsunami it's possible to set CV's to have this effect in both DC and DCC operation) Bachmann have done this at the factory. In DC you can't change or modify it in any way.

As far as I'm aware, only ESU Loksound have decoders that can have sound files uploaded to them with their LokProgrammer http://www.esu.eu/en/products/lokprogrammer/ and a compatible computer. Whether you can get these extra effects to work with DC, don't know and most likely not.

I can hear your resolve to stay with DC cracking.

BLI on the other hand, do offer a small device called a DC Master which can operate the horn and bell sounds and adjust CV's on their older "Blueline" models and "Paragon2" loco's. I did come across a site that said it could also be used with Loksound as well, but can't confirm that.

G'day roadmonkey...Two options perhaps...First one is to look at a dual mode locomotive such as Broadway Limited company that come with factory fitted Dual Mode Paragon2 that runs basic sound on any DC layout and full sound on DCC ...several other manufacturers also do Dual Mode...There is also a product called My Loco Sound that can be bought for around $70 or so that allows you to sound up DC...only seen it on EBAY but looks like a cheaper option to Dual Mode.Here's a You Tube vid for a steam one but I know that you can do diesel ones just the same https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aruSerGYLL0 Hope that helps ..Cheers Rod
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