Cut & Fold Structures


Before investing in actual buildings for my layout (not even sure what buildings/industries I want to use at this point) I'd like to get some placeholders that I could use to get a feel for position.

I thought about cutting some cubes out of foam, but then... I thought about the possibility of cutting shapes from card stock and folding them into some basic buildings. By printing on card stock, I would be able to add some basic details (windows, doors, roof texture) and print some buildings in different colors.

Does anyone have this type of template? Willing to share?

When I was determining which buildings to go with I cut some card stock in the size of model buildings that I liked. It helped to get an idea of the footprint that each structure would have so that I was able to lay track arond them. It worked out really well and was very simple to do without putting any real work into it.
At my hobby lobby I picked up some foam board this weekend and it works really good. it is 3/16" thick and a 20" x 30" sheet costs about $2. I am making temporary buildings for my layout until I can get started on actual ones.
I came across this link from the NMRA Scale Rails:
and some other links:

A tremendous selections of printable buildings - they are a little large but I was able to scale to HO without too much difficulty. I'm thinking about cutting an inch of the front and using them for backdrops (when I get that far along). The "buildyourown..." are all free as are some of the others. And then the ream of 8.5x11 card stock from OfficeMax. Doug, it may help with your idea gathering.
