couple questions about scene backdrops


HO Switchman
I have a 5x9 table and I want to divide it in half with a backdrop. My 2 questions are, what is the best material to use to for a backdrop? And what is the best technique to stand the backdrop up from the middle of the table?
I use 1/8 inch Masonite tempered . you could use 1x2 wood attached with 2-3 inch L brackets
I've recently "happened" upon a super light weight solution. Craft stores sell a thin, 1/8" foam core, and/or plastic core boards, that are usually around 20"x30" for ~$5 each. I plan to use them on my modules, using tape of some sort to cover the joint, and latex house paint to paint them a cool blue shade.
Masonite or hardboard is cheap and widely available. My HD has 1/4 that is SMOOTH on both sides. This board is rigid enough to require little reinforcement, just securely mount and paint. Figure out the size you need and buy a 4X8 sheet and have HD or Lowes cut it to size. You can use the rest of the sheet for fascia boards. I always find uses for masonite!

I think both Josh and Joe have good suggestions. The lightweight foam core board is more expensive than masonite but the upside is that requires very little reinforcement to mount, it's easily painted, and and even can be bent to moderate angles if you're careful. The downside is it had very little strength to resist a projectile like your hand going the wrong way so it needs to mounted so it's unlikely you'll accidentally punch a hole in it.

As Joe wrote, masonite is easy to find and can be bent at fairly acute angles without bending. It is fairly heavy per foot so some good mounting brackets are really needed so it stays stiff and in place. It's strong enough that you won't accidentally put your hand through it. Joe seems to be lucky finding masonite that is smooth on both sides. None of the stores down here carry both sides smooth masonite. That's not a problem for a backdrop against a wall but it is a problem for a layout divider. If you can find both sides smooth masonite, I would go for that since it takes paint easily and gives a smooth but thin surface for the divider. If you have my problem finding good masonite, the foam core may be the best solution.
I forgot to mention Gatorfoam, Micromark carries it, as do other stores. Its the same foam core board concept as I previously mentioned, but it bends much more, so it can be made into complex curves.
wow! great suggestions guys, thanks a million.
I think I might go the 1/8" foam core, and/or plastic core boards that jbaakko mentioned. I have a Michael's craft store next to me that has this stuff . Since its light weight it might be better. I already have a 2" thick extrude foam covering my entire layout. So it might be possible I could carve slits where i'm inserting the board and go from there.
They do sell foam core in 4x8 sheets you just have to let your fingers do the walking and call around a bit . I have used it in the past and it is cheaper when you buy this amount !
