Coffee Shop XXVII

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See Rex, I WAS right!! I told you he was hatched!!! Just like a Dodo bird!!:rolleyes::eek::D

Yes' just like a dodo bird...:rolleyes: Ya..... You were right.....That's not often fer ya, so you had better make a note on that one. Might be a long time before that happens again!:D;):p:)
Well this is going to be one busy weekend. Monday the floor in my garage will be jack hammered out. So I needs to empty the garage but in order to do that I have got to get the wood shop straightened up but before that can happen I have to get the yard shed arraigned for the tractor to get back out there. The tractor spends the winter n the wood shop during the snowy season so I can plow the cotton picken white stuff off the drive and walks. It is going to the weekend from Hell me thinks. Well better get started or it will never ever git dun.
Not feeling good this morning. My nephew and his friends kept me up most of the night with their loud music. That finally ceased around 5:00 or 5:30 and I got a little sleep then woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. So this morning I did some more repair work on the vans windshield wipers. I replaced the other wiper arm bushings before they can get a chance to fail. The wiper motor will have to be replaced but it works for now. I also repaired the marker lights at the end of the driveway. They've been backed over a number of times and needed some work. The only good part of that is the people who backed over them had to get some help to get the vehicles out of the ditches to either side. Well, time to see if I can wear myself out to the point that I can get some sleep. I feel kinda like a bag of Portland cement that got wet, dried into a big block then shattered by a pile driver.
I was working inside the van this morning when being tired and not having eaten anything this morning caught up with me. I was sitting on the drivers seat leaning over toward the passenger side to put on one of the panels of the lower part of the dash after I had serviced some of the wiring and I just suddenly passed out. No warning. One second I was awake and the next I was out! I woke up a while later to find myself caught between the seats (about a two foot gap). It was very uncomfortable to say the least. The lower part of my legs were up on the drivers seat and the right side of my face was pressed down against the passengers seat. The rest of me was kinda balled up in that gap. It didn't help any that the seats are offset. That is, the passenger seat is set about a foot farther back. Every time I tried to extricate myself I just settled in farther and tighter. My right arm was trapped under me. I tried moving it to maybe push myself up but that was a no go and there was nothing I could push or pull on to improve my situation. To make matters worse there was an orbital sander laying on it's side on the floor and it felt like it was pressing a grand canyon size hole in the right side of my back. So there I was, caught like a rat in a trap when I suddenly remembered the cell phone I got for use in the event I should be stranded on the roadside. I keep it charged just in case. Usually it's in a storage pocket between the sun visor and the roof but for some reason I had taken it out of there and set it on the engine cover. I could just get my left hand up there to snag it with my fingertips. Once it was in hand I pressed the power button and it worked. I had three bars. So all I had to do was figure out who I wanted to call. No point in calling my nephew. He had already left to escape the racket I had been making while testing the air horn (payment for keeping me up all night). My father was at work so that was out. So I called my sister and hoped she and her husband were at home. They were. I told her what had happened and that I needed help to get out of there and that it had to be done quickly. I could no longer feel my legs. At that point I had been there for close to an hour and a half. So my sister and her husband show up and they assess the situation and both are getting a good chuckle out of it. We're all trained in rescue and I guess seeing a rescue specialist needing rescue seemed like a funny thing. So he takes up a position at the drivers door (both doors have been open all along) and she takes a position at the passenger door. He grabs my left hand and pulls me toward him while my sister pushes from the opposite side. As soon as the steering wheel was within reach I grabbed it and pulled myself up. Oh man did I hurt but it felt great. I stayed there until I could feel my legs again then carefully got out and put weight on them. A little shaky at first but that passed quickly. I ate some peanut butter and crackers and am now working on getting something more substantial cooked. I think that'll be it for the days activities.
Jeff; ur adventure doesn't sound good. Do you have a sugar problem? If you don't, then you should check in on that real quick. Glad you're ok tho. But check that sugar. Low sugar can do that to you.

Jeff; ur adventure doesn't sound good. Do you have a sugar problem? If you don't, then you should check in on that real quick. Glad you're ok tho. But check that sugar. Low sugar can do that to you.

Yeah, I have a big time sugar problem for which I'm on insulin (100 units) and pills (20mg). So I gotta stick 'em and swallow 'em everyday. My problem today was exhaustion due to lack of sleep and a sugar crash brought on by not enough to eat.
I don't know about you guys but I'm heading for the bed in short order. I never really got my strength back today and almost felt like it might be safer to crawl. Right now I'm so wiped out that the spell checker is saving me a lot of embarrassment. OK, I'm out of here before I fall over. See y'all tomorrow.

Not feeling good today. May just go back to bed. On the other hand, my DVD copy of 'The Train' came in yesterday so I may just lay back and watch that. May watch 'Unstoppable' again.


Got the garage almost completely emptied yesterday. Just one more shelf to empty and move and a few things to put in the attic. Have to take out the service door in the front of the garage and remove some of the reverse board and batten siding, the rail around the porch and the soffit under the eave of the porch. Only took about 5 hours yesterday to straighten the shop to receive the garage contents and get almost everything moved. Today if I have time the yard shed gets it arraignment done. The tractor is still sittin the wood shop. I need to get the tiller off and the mower deck on as the yard needs mowed very badly. It is starting to look like a hayfield and I am not ready to start baling yet.
Well got the railings removed from around the porch, took out the service door and temp reinstall with only 4 nails holding it now versus the 11 or 12 before. Now the concrete guys can just pull four nails and it will be out of their way so tomorrow they can cut the floor and pour the footers for the posts more easily. Now I need to get out to the yard shed and rearrange so the tractor will fit and I can put the railings in the shop where the tractor is now sitting and get the wood for the concrete forms down out of the attic.
It did get up to 80* this afternoon and good ol' Minnesota made sure that was short lived. It is now below 50*:(

Yesterday I was up at the hobby store helping with a workshop for kids building kites and with a little tweaking on a couple, they all flew.:) After that, I was just hanging out in the store when I found out what this big rack of old acrylic and enamal paint was for. Take what you need and it's FREE!:) Aparentley, an old modeler had this collection and when he passed on, his wife donated to the hobby shop. I even asked the owner if he wanted anything for the bottles I picked out and he said no. I also picked up a paint brush set (I had to pay for that) and went home a happy man.;)
The weather is beautiful in New England for a change. My football (real football) club is off to a decent start and I am having a great time building a model of a grain elevator. Now to decide on paint colors.
Good morning. It's 71° and mostly cloudy with the sun putting in brief appearances. the high will be 78° and there's a 50% chance of strong thunderstorms.

Yesterday I found a surprise in my email. Not a virus or anything like that. It would have been detected before I even tried opening it. No, this was a copy of an unofficial letter demanding a divorce. Now I know there are other guys out there with the same first, middle and last names I have and maybe one or two have the same email address I have but this guy is about the same age too. The DOB is only about a month and a half different. Seems the DOB is the only thing real. The name was apparently an alias. He's been married for about ten years and judging from the heat contained in the text I would say that a divorce would bring him a lot of relief. I sent an email back to the sender explaining that I was NOT the target of her anger and that I wanted to know where she had gotten my email address. After a few more emails back and forth I got the point across that I'm not her potential soon to be 'X'. Seems he probably used the address to try to throw her off the track, with some success I might add. After a good many apologies she agreed to delete the address from her contacts. That was about the highest drama point of my day and it made things interesting as I've never been married and haven't even thought about pursuing any kind of serious relationship since the late 80's. We'll see what happens from here. Nothing planned for today and hopefully nothing else will come up. I just want a day of peace and quiet.

I usually order my stuff from Bachmann through Bill Me Later. They already have my info on file so I don't have to enter it in the payment area. They then send me a paper bill which I pay by money order so no personal info can be read. Other dealings I do are with Walthers and are always done by phone. Again, they have my info there so I don't have to give it to them over the phone.
Good evening folks.

I think I'm going blind from staring at corn stalks. I've twisted 400 stalks and have 400 to go.:eek: It's kind of tedious but I think it's going to look awesome. Well, as awesome as a corn field can look.:)

I have tomorrow off so I think I should be able to twist the rest. Then it's on to "planting".

Have a good night folks.
Good evening folks.

I think I'm going blind from staring at corn stalks. I've twisted 400 stalks and have 400 to go.:eek: It's kind of tedious but I think it's going to look awesome. Well, as awesome as a corn field can look.:)

I have tomorrow off so I think I should be able to twist the rest. Then it's on to "planting".

Have a good night folks.

Just wait till you have to harvest all those little ears...:eek::eek::p:cool::D LMAO!!!

Good morning. It's 63° and sunny. The high is due to be 82° and sunny.

Darn sinuses have my inner ear blocked up and it's somewhat difficult to keep my balance as my head keeps wanting to spin. Allergies, gotta love 'em. Wish I had a job to stay home from. At least then they'd be of some use. Looks like I'll be staying inside today. No more divorce letters so my pleas of mistaken identity were apparently accepted.
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