Clinch Valley RR

A few photos showing the railroad. First up is the Gilbert, WV area

Richlands Yard

West Richlands

Carbo-Omar area

Huntington Yard

Knoxville Yard

I've done a video tour, kind of a walk around explaining the railroad:

Thanks for looking
Hi Larry,

Love those multi deck layouts......

:cool::cool:GREAT! AMAZING!:cool::cool::cool:

Wish I could come over and operate a lot of trains....:rolleyes:

Keep the pics coming....
I love the finished look of your layout. It looks like it would be fun to actually make your train go somewhere instead of in circles like on mine!:)
Nice! Like the photos and video! How many layouts have you built previously? Were they multi-deck also? Any of them this large? Do you have any advice to give people, who are looking to do something similar, from the lessons you've learned on this layout? Reason I ask is I'm looking to build a 'double deck' layout HO layout in 26' x 28'-32'. Thanks!
Nice! Like the photos and video! How many layouts have you built previously? Were they multi-deck also? Any of them this large? Do you have any advice to give people, who are looking to do something similar, from the lessons you've learned on this layout? Reason I ask is I'm looking to build a 'double deck' layout HO layout in 26' x 28'-32'. Thanks!

Sorry for the delay in response.
I've built probably six layouts in my lifetime, none even close to this size. It is just something I always wanted to do, had the house so I did it. My advice, think out the trackplan very carefully. What will you be doing with the layout once you've got trains running? Large layout you'll probably want to do some operations. Got ops crews available? Good idea to bounce trackplan and ideas off of "the crew". And get them to help out building if you can. Good luck, keep us posted on your progress.
I would assume that you don't operate this alone??? Holy crap I honestly never thought I would see a layout and think "I don't want to build anything THAT big!!!" Did you have other people help u with the build? I don't have enough friends to do something like this!!!! I showed your layout to my wife and she looked at me and said "You are NEVER allowed to build that much of a layout!" HA!! This from the woman who usually can't stop telling me to expand. That is one beautiful layout but if you don't mind I'll be content to look rather than to aspire to your greatness :D
I built this railroad for operations. I am in a very active round robin group of operators and we op my layout about 15 times a year, usually around 17 operators.
It is really big. Except for help with installing dry wall and valance, I've done it all myself over about 6 years. Just something I always wanted to do. As a long time prototype engineer, I did want to get the feel of really going somewhere when you're running a road train, I think I got it. I cannot recommend building something this big, unless you have a large crew to operate it.
You have a beautiful layout! I love the multi-deck idea and you have certainly done an excellent job building and modeling some very nice looking scenes! Great work
