Building/Structures thoughts please


New Member
Here is my first post of likely a few...I'm currently in the planning stage of my layout and while researching what buildings & industries I want I'm finding several from different materials.

Are there any thoughts about mixing the plastic kits with metal kits with 'laser-cut wood' kits? Or should I stick with one material?

there's no set rules for building contruction on a layout!........As In the real world You see wood structures next to steel and concrete ones all the time. As for Matterials for building model Mixing matteials is common place in kitbashing!
IME, it's all about cost and ease of construction - wood kits tend to be pricier and take a bit more patience and skill to assemble. Also, my modeling philosophy is "good enough" - if something is good enough to give the feel of the prototype, it's ok by me and most plastic kits fall into that category, aside from obviously toy-like things.
No set rules.

If the real structure is made of wood, it is easier to make it from a laser cut kit. The wood takes acrylic paint and stain very easily, just be sre and paint before you assemble.

Plastic needs a lot of work, painting and weathering to remove the ugly shiny plastic look.

Cardstock is also a viable material, I have seen some very nice structures built using cardstock.

I model a 1900s rural area so more wooden structures. RSLaser Kits suit the time period and are far superior in design to some others.
