BLMA signal bridge install


Hello all! Searched and found no listing for help on installig the BLMA moderm signal bridge. I purchased the bridge and now gonig to purchase a NCE controller which is one of the controlers BLMA suggests. The instrctions are very poor for someone like me,who is lousy when it come to electrical. If anyone has diagrams or any info for hooking up wire for this Signal brdge, I d love to see it. thanks. Tommy

This one?

If so, how are you going to use it? As part of a complete "integrated" signaling system? To protect a xover on your mainlines? Or just "random" lights going on & off?

Do you use a computer on the layout? How is it connected?

What do you mean by "purchase an NCE controller"? Do you already use an NCE DCC system? Do you have block occupancy detection?

As noted many times, anything approaching prototype signaling is *hard* - Personally (and I'm sure others will disagree ;)) I don't think it's doable without a computer connected to the layout.

Having said all that, if you just want to use it as a standalone unit LogicRail seems to have a phototransistor triggered unit that will do the job - Here's the PDF that I'm sure you've already seen (?) No NCE (or other DCC) required....

HTH, good luck,
