Athearn HO RTR SD50/60 question.


Hi all, athearn recently released a batch of sd50's. They just released a batch of sd60's that should be on the shelves any day. My question is these are both RTR and in particular the CSX YN3 scheme, is there different spotting features between the two or did they just use the same mold and put different road numbers on them?

Prototypically, I believe the sd60 is about 1 ft longer than a sd50. The rest is mainly internal differences. I know the 60 was better on fuel consumption which I believe was a result of better computer/software.

Looking at Athearn's website and pulling up an SD50 in one frame and an sd60 in another and toggling between the two, the only difference I see is the cab roof on the 50 has a seam whereas the sd60 does not (I was looking at NS units). I do not know if the shells are interchangeable.

The doors under the radiator section are different. I can't remember for sure right now, but I think the SD50 had 5 doors and the SD60 had 6.
