a few questions


hea everyone
i just had a few questions that i hoped i could get answered. i was wondering if anyone had an alternative to the really expensive snow that you can buy at the hobby shops .and i have a tunnel that i need to get a tunnel portal for its a three track mainline on my module.help would be much appreciated.
thanks, Dylan
Dylan, what I've been told to use is everyday baking soda. Cheap at any store and you can get a large box of it. I can't say I've seen a 3-hole portal before, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. An easier way is to make one out of plaster of paris and a simple mold. I have made many bridge abutments that ways.
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Do you want the snow to be permanent or temporary? If temporary, baking soda or baby powder will work fine (makes the layout smell nice too :) ). If permanent, I have used plater of paris with a little glitter dust added to give the snow some sparkle. Scuptamold can be used on top ff the plaster if you want drifts.

For a three track portal, I would take a two track and one track portal and use those together. It was common for a railroad to add an extra bore after the original tunnel was built.
