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  1. 73mph

    Headlights not working

    Here's what Lionel responded with... Yes, J3 is for Front Light and J4 is Rear Light. Also check the soldertab on the front motor mount and ensure the white light wires are solidly soldered to the tab.
  2. 73mph

    Headlights not working

    My wife bought this train brand new (local train dealer), last Christmas. Had it out for one week, and took it out about two weeks ago and noticed the headlights weren't on. Looked at the Christmas photos, from last year, and they weren't working then either. I'll take it back down there...
  3. 73mph

    Headlights not working

    Just noticed my headlights on my engine (Lionel 6-30001, Santa Fe El Capitan) are not working. Opened up the engine and noticed a plug for the headlights was not plugged in. On the circuit board, pictured below, there's a J3 and a J4 connection. I've tried both connections, but neither...
  4. 73mph

    Computer and Digitrax PR3

    Yep, UP2CSX is a big help. Your original thread on DCC was the one that caught my interest. However, I didn't see any follow ups. Plus, JMRI's write up on the PR3 is sort of gray on needing a command station or not needing a command station. A lot of DCC write ups are not centered around a...
  5. 73mph

    Computer and Digitrax PR3

    I've been searching the forum and Google for answers, but I can't seem to find the exact answers I'm looking for. I'm sure it's on here somewhere, but the search engine only allows words with 4+ characters. Too many 2/3 letter acronyms in the hobby. Background.. I plan to build a layout...
  6. 73mph

    Novice Questions on Upgrading and Layout

    I'm not crazy about the spot light car, I hardly use it anyways. My curoisty was the headlights. I did see the kits. I was just curious, if they were worth the upgrade.
  7. 73mph

    Novice Questions on Upgrading and Layout

    Very true. I'll keep it simple. I placed my order for the sound commander. I also was about to order off HobbyLinc, but wanted to check something first. I plan to order the light kit, but are the car kits the only ones that are worth upgrading? For example, you have the headlight up...
  8. 73mph

    Novice Questions on Upgrading and Layout

    Well, I've been reading over several threads and searching the forums/internet for answers, but I'm not sure, if I'm looking at the right things. Background - Wife bought two train sets last year. Both sets were Lionel. A "North Pole Central Christmas Train" and a "Santa Fe El Capitan"...
  9. 73mph

    Sante Fe FT Series

    Well this is my first post. I've been reading over Burbs first post "Newbie Looking For Advice". Pretty much in the same boat as you in venturing into this new hobby. Thanks for posting the "Manufacturers vs Manufacturers" one too. For me, my wife purchased my first train set last...
