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  1. H

    Ground Cover

    So I came up with this new, easy to make and cheap ground cover. Here's the tutorial on how to make the ground cover. 1. First of all you need to buy florists foam (not exactly sure what they call it) I had bought this block as is pictured for $1.40 can. (the blocks are about 3 in.x4 in.x 8...
  2. H

    Scratchbuilt asphalt roads

    So the other day I was shingling the roof with my Dad and after my Dad had cut a strip off the shingle I thought that it would almost work for roadbed underneath the track. After thinking about it some more I thought it would work great for a highway! and so I made a tutorial on how to make it...
  3. H

    building pictures

    While I was away I got some pictures of some great buildings, I would like to some scratchbuild amodel of each of these for my layout here's a couple pics. The first couple pictures are of a mechanic/gas station and the last pic of an old train station. I hope you like these buildings as much...
  4. H


    The other day I decided I wanted to try doing some scenery and so on here's a couple pics of my highway scene with my scratchbuilt road. Any advice or comments are greatly appreciated!
  5. H

    Weathered cars

    So I went to wal-mart and found these cars that are old and weathered for around $4.30 can. here's the site I'd like to hear what you think.
  6. H

    Scratchbuilt brick wall

    So this afternoon i thought about how I could make O scale brick walls, as all my buildings have been siding. Here's the "How to" on how to make them, hope you like the turn-out. First you take 1/4 in. thick wood of your choice then you cut the strips at 1/4inch. Second with the jig as is...
  7. H

    Brick Walls

    I'm looking for tecniques to make brick walls... I would love to hear if you guys have any ideas you could share, Thanks.
  8. H

    Water Tower

    Here's a water tower that I made last year I haven't completely finished it as in the weathering on the base of the tower also I haven't put the bands on around the tank.... any advice on what to use for bands aorund the tank?
  9. H

    Grain Elevator

    So last year I scratchbuilt this grain elevator it was alot of work, good learning project here's a a few pictures hope you like it... again I'm always open for advice. I'll be finishing the lights and wiring when I finish the layout.
  10. H

    Old Shack

    Here's another little building I scratchbuilt this week it was a fun little project. Hope you like it.
  11. H


    Hi, so I'm new to this forum and just thought I would show you guys this shed that I scratch built a couple of days ago as being 15 years old I feel blessed with the gift that God's given me :) I would like to hear any comments or advice.
