Recent content by kingnothing395

  1. K


    Great stuff! Thank you all!
  2. K


    It worked! Thanks again!
  3. K


    Thank you! In the past, I must've used 2-22" then 3-18" then 2-22" pieces. I thought we tried that the other day, but I'll try it again.
  4. K


    Is there a combination of 15", 18", 22", and 24" track pieces that gets close to a half-circle? When I picked up my oval-shaped layout, I found that I had used a combination of different curve sizes, but still had an oval. I've been trying to replicate it, but can't seem to make it work again.
  5. K

    Remote Switches

    Three of them lines up with an 18" radius curve piece.
  6. K

    Remote Switches

    I have Atlas snap switches, AHM, Life Like, and "Made in Yugoslavia" (I can't find a brand name on these). These are all virtually identical in their geometry. I have 9" straight pieces from Atlas, Life Like, AHM, "Austria," "Made in Italy," and "Made in Yugoslavia." I have 18" radius curved...
  7. K

    Remote Switches

    Hello all, I'm new to the forum and new to the hobby. I have a question about turn outs. What size are they? If I have a basic oval-shaped track, and want to branch off one of the ends to a 2nd table, can I remove an 18" or 22" inch curved piece and replace it with a turnout and a short...
  8. K

    Intro from Texas

    Good day everyone from the great state of Texas. My son and I have recently gotten into railroading. His grandfather found a small HO scale set of AHM train cars and a loco made in Yugoslavia in someone's attic or basement or something. It might be as old as the 1950s or '60s; I don't know...
