DCC Drawer version 2
I've adopted CTI-Electronics computer control system integrated with my Lenz Set 100 to automate my railroad. Currently have the ability to run three trains automatically with signaling. 18 electronic blocks. Drawer was removed from layout for this rework.
I thought DCC was supposed to make wiring simpler. You know, just hook up two wires and you're set. :)

OK, I never really did believe that, but why such complicated wiring?
DCC without feedback and signaling is cake. Signaling requires 1 wire for each LED plus a common for the group (3-4 wires per signal). Location sensors require 2 wires per sensor. A turnout controller requires 3 wires per turnout. Now, have 30 sensors and 30 signals and 20 or 30 turnouts and you have a lot of wires. Add to that a few lights scattered around and things get really complicated when wiring. The scheme I use is based on Cat 5 and 110 block standard wiring schemes so it makes it very easy to run all those wires in a way that can be managed and maintained. I use 24 gauge for everything but the DCC bus.
WOW...Looks like you work for the phone company too!!!...Very neat!!...Great job!

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Wiring and DCC
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Joe Daddy
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