A little musical interlude.
Hey Munch,
Now that is really looks appropriate for sure. I like the guy playing the harmonica and taking a well needed break. I see also you sharpened your shot and itsmuch better! I ment to ask you what the tall handle looking thing is on the far side of the A frame pump housing? Maybe a shovel?

Quite some time back I think a buddy & I came across an old hand car and tried to pump the handles to get it to move and it was a trmendous job, probably need grease and oil I'm sure but none the less I doubt it was an easy task to operate one of those.

I have one in HO, an MDC kit, that I put plastic axels on so it wouldn't short out the rails when the current is on and I tow it behing an old Mack rail bus using a draw bar on the bus and a wide bar across the end of the hand car.
I can't really make out what that rod is. Perhaps some kind of brake lever? I got it in a Woodland Scenics pack of track workers. I got the set mainly because of one guy with a
long pike, or rod, that I want to use in a control tower. Thanks for the compliments!
Hi Brad,
I believe the tall piece on your handcar is a piece of spru as I have never noticed anything like that on other Hand Pump Cars. Here's link where you can view an old pump car, http://www.handcar.net/intro/

I believe the guy with the long rod is a Gandy dancer as the rod is used to pack down ballast.

Say, where about are you located?

Your welcome of courese for the compliments. Your scenes look very natural.
David, you may be right about it being a spru, although it is painted. (but then...sometimes it seems that the people that paint these things have a can of pencils and a white cane sitting next to them!) But I'm going to cut it off just the same. The guy with the rod I thought I could use in a switch tower, throwing the switch lever.
I'm in Burnsville/Minneapolis, MN. My layout is not based on any area or time. Thanks again for the compliments. I don't know my way around this site. Where are your photos?

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