Running Bear's March 2024 Coffee Shop

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Good Morning!

-4 and I'll be out shovelling the nights snow dump; it's just about daylight!

Just an FYI, Guy has posted pictures of his layout back on '22, before you joined up.
Yeah! I'm probably the worlds slowest, most negligent layout developer!
But, I have a very crappy excuse. - I married a hobby gardener, which is equivalent to saying I married a constant garden project builder, who needs to farm-out the builder part.
Here' a couple of historical photographs of my layout beginnings from the R/C hole to a bit of layout table with a swing gate. I've been at it for a couple of years, I suppose.
LayoutConst_02-10-2021 (2).JPG

SwingGate_10-21-2022 (13).JPG

As it is, I'm trying to get some scale buildings constructed so I can make some scenes and give my G-kids a place to run trains. My scratch-built 3rd class depot will be part of the smalltown-downtown area. It's all a slow process, and I think the G-kids won't be kids anymore by the time I get it nice.

Today, I'll try finish the roofing on the 3rd Class:
3rdClass_03-03-2024 (1).JPG

Well, I suppose I'd better get out into the cold and shovel snow! Hopefully, this will be the last time this year.
Have a wonderful day!
I’ve already scoped out the replacement machine from BB… opens at 11

I rebooted and am trying the Ventura boot stick installation. Got it to work this time.

Glad I backup all important files to the drop box
Probably as good a time as any to upgrade. If you can get it to load and work, you can always sell the old one to defray some of the cost, make it Somebody Else's Problem, and write off the new purchase as an expense.
I'm Back !!!! Did you miss me yet?

Had the MAC repaired - actually took only 4 days including Sat and Sun and a much better price than Apple wanted. I still do not understand what happened ... I have really been careful how I handled it; closed the lid - opened the lid the next morning and was greeted with a blank screen?

You guys sure have become prolific in the writing department. Heavens, 4-5 pages a day?

Francine : Good to see you here this fine Sunday morning! If you please, I will have one of MEL'S
famous Garbage Omelet's with a side of bacon. A large Dr Pepper with it would be nice, thank you. I'll Just grab a chair over the corner soes I can see the trains as they crawl by!

I actually see some blue sky out there this morning. Yesterday it rained pretty good most all day long and hard for a few minutes. We are at 50% above normal for the year and have three months to go.

On the medical front, i survived the port placement. They placed it right at the same spot where a seat belt crosses - requiring me to either hold the belt out or place a folded face towel under it?
I have an MRI tomorrow morning - then three days of Chemo - then a Dr. Appointment Friday.
I'm actually feeling pretty good for a change, and I hope that it is a good sign. We will see what the next round of treatment does to me.
I am now mostly a skin head - Spousal Unit gave me a buzz job yesterday as my hair was coming out by the handful!

Later, glad to see all of you are still here, along with several "new" heads?
I'm Back !!!! Did you miss me yet?

Had the MAC repaired - actually took only 4 days including Sat and Sun and a much better price than Apple wanted. I still do not understand what happened ... I have really been careful how I handled it; closed the lid - opened the lid the next morning and was greeted with a blank screen?

You guys sure have become prolific in the writing department. Heavens, 4-5 pages a day?

Francine : Good to see you here this fine Sunday morning! If you please, I will have one of MEL'S
famous Garbage Omelet's with a side of bacon. A large Dr Pepper with it would be nice, thank you. I'll Just grab a chair over the corner soes I can see the trains as they crawl by!

I actually see some blue sky out there this morning. Yesterday it rained pretty good most all day long and hard for a few minutes. We are at 50% above normal for the year and have three months to go.

On the medical front, i survived the port placement. They placed it right at the same spot where a seat belt crosses - requiring me to either hold the belt out or place a folded face towel under it?
I have an MRI tomorrow morning - then three days of Chemo - then a Dr. Appointment Friday.
I'm actually feeling pretty good for a change, and I hope that it is a good sign. We will see what the next round of treatment does to me.
I am now mostly a skin head - Spousal Unit gave me a buzz job yesterday as my hair was coming out by the handful!

Later, glad to see all of you are still here, along with several "new" heads?
A little while back, it was discovered the ribbon cable from the motherboard to the screen wasn't quite long enough, and if the screen was fully opened repeatedly, the cable would fail, causing the screen blackout you experienced.

As for the shoulder belt interfering with your port, I used these when I had a port, it helped a lot:
I'm Back !!!! Did you miss me yet?

Had the MAC repaired - actually took only 4 days including Sat and Sun and a much better price than Apple wanted. I still do not understand what happened ... I have really been careful how I handled it; closed the lid - opened the lid the next morning and was greeted with a blank screen?

You guys sure have become prolific in the writing department. Heavens, 4-5 pages a day?

Francine : Good to see you here this fine Sunday morning! If you please, I will have one of MEL'S
famous Garbage Omelet's with a side of bacon. A large Dr Pepper with it would be nice, thank you. I'll Just grab a chair over the corner soes I can see the trains as they crawl by!

I actually see some blue sky out there this morning. Yesterday it rained pretty good most all day long and hard for a few minutes. We are at 50% above normal for the year and have three months to go.

On the medical front, i survived the port placement. They placed it right at the same spot where a seat belt crosses - requiring me to either hold the belt out or place a folded face towel under it?
I have an MRI tomorrow morning - then three days of Chemo - then a Dr. Appointment Friday.
I'm actually feeling pretty good for a change, and I hope that it is a good sign. We will see what the next round of treatment does to me.
I am now mostly a skin head - Spousal Unit gave me a buzz job yesterday as my hair was coming out by the handful!

Later, glad to see all of you are still here, along with several "new" heads?
Good to see you back, place isn't the same without you!

Glad your feeling better. that's great news!
Morning folks

25F and sunshine. It was a venerable blizzard at midnight when I took the canines for their nightly stroll. The kind where you need to shake an inch and a half of snow off your coat before entering the house again. No train time yesterday but did get a little repair work done on the Reuhl Lorain shovel.
Good morning, all! It's a warm, sticky and cloudy morning here in Houston. Some fog earlier.

HOWDY Sirfoldalot, were you gone? Great to hear you are feeling better.
Willie - I read this morning 3 trains were involved. A guy across the river said he heard 2 crashes. I suppose the first train ran into the rear of the second train and the third ran into the derailed cars fron the others.
Guy - Sounds like you could use a snow blower. Your station is looking good.
Troy - Quickly, best wishes to your wife's pretend sister, hope all goes well.
Mac - The Audi looks pretty good in that photo.
Terry - I would be suspicious after reading that AI generated post, but I can't really say why. Something in the way it reads.

You guys getting any smoke, or bad air from the fires?
I'm a lot closer to the fires than Hughie, but the wind has been from the south since they started so all of the smoke is blowing up over the Oklahoma Panhandle and western Kansas; and maybe SE Colorado. If it goes any higher than the surface, the jetstream will catch it. I'm a good 300 miles away from them. The wind won't come from that part of the state (towards me) until some time Friday, but it is supposed to rain before then. Hughie is another 300 miles south of me.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 65.

AI is getting better and better at generating spam. See if you can tell what gave this spammer's post away::

Hello. Just got back to the workbench to shoot some paint on a couple of stripped shells.

This is my first go around with Tru-color paint and I had mixed results early on.

My first color was CR blue and it shot well and seemed to cover nicely. I put a few drops of acetone into the jar before starting to thin it down a tad. I am not sure if this causes it to not have the high level of gloss straight from the jar that I have read about.

Now onto the issue. The next color is CN orange and I am spraying the main body. Quickly I noticed a bit of texture in on the model. I stopped and dumped the paint back in the jar. Cleaned my airbrush inside and out... Then I added a few more drops of acetone to the paint before filling the cup back up and trying again. I finished the first coat on the shell and there it is I noticed a slight texture all over the shell.

I model the N scale (for now) and any texture in paint is extremely noticeable so I have two problems.

1. How to strip tru-color paint from a plastic model

2. What could be causing this texture issue?

Thanks in advance.
Looks legit to me. It's a good thing I'm not charged with looking for AI spam!
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