woodland scenics hob-e-tac


Hey everyone. I got a woodland scenics kit on how to make trees and it has hob-e-tac included. I tried using it but its not sticking. Please help!
What exactly is the problem? If you brush it on a tree branch and let it dry for about 30 seconds, you should be able to glue clump foliage on and it should stick immediately. If you use it without letting it set up first, it doesn't work at all. Is this your problem?
No problem. Someone else is making the same mistake right now so it will help them when they search for answers. That's why sometimes reading the instructions on the bottle is a good idea. I even find myself doing it occasionally. :)
Don't feel by yourself, Joe. Several years ago, I made the same mistake. I fussed and cussed and made a mess, but then and after letting it set...it worked.
If you are adding loose ground foam to the trees, cheap hairspray works well to seal it. I've used it to add more than one color to a tree. It adds a little more depth of color and helps in credibility.
