Thanks for adding me.

Welcome Mike, we are glad to have you with us!

American Flyer S scale?

I hope you can post some photos; I love photos!

I've always been interested in American Flyer, but my O gauge takes up too much space to dabble in S.
Hi Bruette! Thank you for the Welcome!!. Yes, Polar Express American Flyer s scale. I'll have pics and a short movie when all done. This has been a special project for Christmas. A problem with the power pick up on the front truck axle - either the small brass finger or wire. Know I can fix it but want to see if it's a known problem.
Welcome aboard Mike. We have a few American Flyer modelers here who might be able to help. HINT: Start another thread with "American Flyer S Scale" somewhere in the title and you will get more hits. Not everyone reads these "Introduce Yourself" threads.
Welcome aboard…👍🏻

Welcome Mike!
There are several of us of the "vintage and experienced" description on the forum. Member age is not really a factor here.
I mainly model HO, but dabble in N and On30 with club layouts. Therefore, I will be peeking at your S pictures, too.
Welcome to the forum, Mike! I've been mostly into N-scale and O-gauge, with a little bit of HO added for kicks and grins. While some problems can be scale-specific, others can be universal. Your wire pickup problem could just be a Lionel quality control issue, or could have been just a fluke somewhere along the line on your model alone. Take santafewillie's advice and start a new AF S-scale thread and see if you don't get some more hits on your subject. Enjoy! :)👍
