Rapido New Haven Parlor Cars ?

Frequently that's the way things are done today. Order in advance, sight unseen. If you poke around the forums some, you'll see that many people don't like it.
Pre-ordering is the way it is these days with many makers and retail outlets.. One of the few, or maybe the only one that doesn't is modeltrainstuff.com (MBKlein), but with them they only buy in what they think will sell and re-order if they sell out and there are any left at the makers. You will often see announcements from sellers like Trainworld, advising that, in the case of Athearn's products, that a run of something is already sold out at Horizon, Athearn's parent company, soon after the release date has been announced.

Rapido in particular may not even have begun production and rely on the pre-orders to make a decision on whether there is enough demand to do so. They make very highly detailed models, even to the accuracy of the underbody equipment.

With most pre-orders there is no money required to be put down at that time, but credit card details may be required and will be charged to when the items arrive in stock, ready for shipment. So, be aware that you may be making a commitment regardless.

The times when makers/retailers held vast inventories is long gone, all the old blue box etc have been liquidated by the makers.
