Pick up roller problem


New Member
Put my new MTH ALCO R-3 Diesel on the Fastrack. It has double "Pick Up Rollers".

When going in one direction over a switch straight on it hits a dead spot and stops immediately.

When I turn it around and run it over the same FASTRACK SWITCH it works fine. I do see hesitation tho.

My two other engines have no such problem.

Any thoughts?

Bill Stanley
Spokane, WA
I'm not sure how your switch is wired, but it sounds like the frog or point rails or something aren't wired in. So the train crosses that spot, the wheels that're on that bit of track can't pick up any power. Usually, this isn't a problem; the pickups on the other truck should still be working. I suspect, then, that you've got a bad power pickup on one side of one truck. Run it through in the direction it has trouble, and when it stops, the bad contact is on the side that's going over the frog... and it's probably not the one *on* the frog.

Could just be dirty, could be the wiper needs a little more bend to it, or it might even have come off.

Or I could be completely wrong. :D But hopefully this helps.
