Network Issues


Staff member
The server network the forum is hosted on is having issues this weekend. They’re working on it (part of the hosting is 24/7365 monitoring and support) but it seems to be a bit of a challenge for them.

Apologies if things seem slower than normal.
They’re still working on it, they think it’s resolved now. No matter how reliable your network is, failures happen. Fortunately they’re rare.
Bob: Don't feel bad about any network issues that the Forum may have encountered. Even Yahoo email was having problems yesterday.

If we didn't have the occasional glitch, we wouldn't know how good we have it the rest of the time.
Well, it's still not fixed. Had a time when I couldn't even connect. I've already beat on them again, hopefully they work this out!
OK, they think they've got it fixed. PHP scripts that keep bookstore prices up to date were bogging things down and network issues on top of that lead to a fail scenario. Has anyone seen any more issues in the last day or so? We did have one, they had to reboot to do some of the config stuff but it should have been fairly brief.
