DCC on a Con-Cor Zephyr

This weekend I finally picked up a decoder for my Con-Cor Silver Streak Zephyr. I can now run it without being afraid my old DC power supply will ruin the motor. I was just wondering about setting up functions. I thought you could use an auxiliary control line (green or purple) to control the light in the individual cars. I don't see a way to do that without modifying the board. Am I mistaken or just missing something? Thanks
the green and purple wires are functions. If your decoder has 4 functions or more, then the green and purple wires will be used by the decoder. If the decoder does have those functions, you can remap them to different keys on your throttle by programming the decoder.
The interior lighting in the individual cars are hardwired to operate off of track power, so you are correct in that you can not control them with the decoder without modifying the circuit boards.
I thought that was the case. I was hoping I was wrong.It would be really nice to be able to shut off the lights in the car (or at least dim them) at night at the fueling station and long runs.
