Coffeeville, PA


Fred's Loco Shop Foreman
The Coffee Table layout that got the attention today. I completly re-worked my trackplan by flipping the loco shops with the industries and having the old Alleghenny Midland branch line at an angle instead of straight across. That's the beauty of not nailing things down... changing thngs until they are just right. I'm abotu ready to pencil everything in, then get some road-bed and get to work! Oh and I came up with a name for the ficticious town... Coffeeville, PA (what else?!)





The area "in the back" will be a subsidiary shop of Fred's Locomotive (and car!) Shops. I'm still buildign the buildings which are re[resented by paper cut-outs for size.

It's currently 1 wire, not much operations can be done now, I need some bettter tracks and a few more switches.

Here's the "action" as staged... I mean seen, today:

A PACE (Pittsburgh Area Commuter Express) meets a V&AL train at the Coffeeville station.



Due to my equipment the Coffeeville, PA layout will be mostly set in the 60's-70's.


An RS-3 Switches the industries. The center track is the abandoned Alleghenny Midland coal branch that once ran through here. When the mines along the line were closed the AM shut down the line. The V&AL made some changes in the trackwork to ensure that the industries would continue to be rail-served.


2 PRR "Heritage" units depart Fred's Locomotive Shop (FLS) ready to get back to work after some regularly scheduled maintenance.

Property negociations re-done. The N scale took over the 4'X8', Ho scale stuff moved to shelves. HO was on static display anyway. now the Nscale can get out and RUN!
