Bachmann train set from yard sale


New Member
Hi, I bought a Bachmann train set at a yard sale. I think it is probably 10-15 years old, not used much. I want to expand the amount of track and I am not sure if I should buy more Bachmann track or would it be okay to buy Atlas track to use with the Bachmann track or should I by all new Atlas track and forget about the Bachmann track? Also, if I do use the Atlas do I use 83 or 100?
Is the track brass or is it silver colored? If it's brass, save it for things like industrial spurs and buy new nickel silver track. You can use any other brand of track as they are all (mostly) interchangeable. Code 100 or Code 83 is purely personal preference. Code 83 looks closer to the normal height of mainline rail but Code 100 works just as well as is cheaper. If you want to make a real layout, I'd recommend you look at Code 83 flex track from Atlas or Model Power. Both look and run good although the MP track is a little chealer. It's much easier to lay curves and not have kinks with flex track than sectional track. I'd also recommend you read a beginner's guide at It's only about a 10 minute read but it will answer some of your next questions and make you think about how you want to build a layout.
