A mathmagician I am not

I found a place on google maps that I want to sketch out as a possible track plan in N scale.

My brain doesn't work in numbers. How the heck do I convert the scale on the map (2.5" = 377') and make that N scaleable?

Let me know if this doesn't make sense to you, it doesn't make sense to me!
Find the feet using the map, then convert to n scale, ( divide by 160 ) or use the calculator at html://www.mrrservice.com
So in your example, 5" on the paper would be 4.025 feet in real life in N scale?

Sorry to be so dense on this stuff. It makes my brain hurt.
Correct. I usually convert the real feet to inches and then do the calculation, since often you don't get an even foot, but with a map that's pretty darn hard to do, and maps are close but not 100% accurate on distance anyway.
