56 going on 12

Howdy all,
I am 56 years old going on 12 and just starting to build my first real layout.
I am building mine in HO scale and working with alot of used stuff I was given / bought on ebay.
It started as a 4 x 6 to 4 x 8 to 2 sheets of 4 x 8 plus a shelf that will make it 12 x 12 when completed.
OMG what have I done? LOL
I will post pics as it moves along and hope to be an active member of the forum.
I live on the Oregon coast, am a retired maint. / repairman.
ok on to read some posts....
Welcome to the forum. There's a lot to like and a lot of good people as well, with an immense amount of talent. A great place to get ideas and/or help. I just turned 57 a couple of weeks ago, so I must be 13 now. If only my body agreed!
Well, at 56 you're kind of young to be just getting started but we're sure you got here just as fast as you could. Now go finish your homework and Welcome to the board!
Well to another 56 year old all I can say is join the club! You'll like it here and we love to see pictures. Don't worry no one's going to pan your work, we are all 12 or so around here.
All u young whipper snappers better shape up and get to layout buildin afore us older folks jerk a knot in you'ins tails. LOL LOL LOL
Howdy all,
I am 56 years old going on 12 and just starting to build my first real layout.
I am building mine in HO scale and working with alot of used stuff I was given / bought on ebay.
It started as a 4 x 6 to 4 x 8 to 2 sheets of 4 x 8 plus a shelf that will make it 12 x 12 when completed.
OMG what have I done? LOL
I will post pics as it moves along and hope to be an active member of the forum.
I live on the Oregon coast, am a retired maint. / repairman.
ok on to read some posts....

Response to BOLD: you just ensured your wallet ad/or bank account have little to no money in them at all times or as applicable, you also have opened up the box...welcome to pandoras home...;) the pandoras box!

on a side note welcome and you better get a showin of them pics...I may be 25 but I too am going on 11 or 12 (give or take)...
