
  1. R

    Traincontroller - a Series of 55 'How To' Videos

    Over the past couple of years I did a series of videos on Traincontroller. They have been posted on several European Model Railway forums, but not here. I don't remember how come. Anyhow ... here they are now. Traincontroller is model railway control software for Windows PC / laptop. There are...
  2. I

    Granite Block Transload

    In Elberton, Georgia, granite is mined in blocks rather than stones. This facility is on the CSX, obviously. The gantry crane/roof is about 60ft x 250ft. There is an open storage yard to the left, which is about 250ft x 250ft. The height of this one is probably about 40ft, but if...
  3. Signal and Traffic Control Center

    Signal and Traffic Control Center
