Search results

  1. RxROtto

    To Solder or not to Solder?

    That's the question. Is it really a necessity to solder all of your tracks together? It seems that the rail clips should do the same job. Or is it a precautionary step to be sure that the voltage is always maintained over time? Thanks RxROtto
  2. RxROtto

    Types of N Scale Track

    Is there one track better than another? I am doing a research on the different types of track to use on my N scale layout. I have seen many types of different track from different companies is there really one that is the best or is it a personal preference? Is the brass better than the silver...
  3. RxROtto

    N Scale Curve Radius

    When they talk about curve radius, where is the measurement actually taken from? I am trying to pencil in my layout on my board and am trying to see if what I have designed will actually will be feasible. Thanks Again RxROtto
  4. RxROtto

    "N" Scale Grade

    As I have said in other posts here that I am going to be working on a N scale track layout. I have decided to have a grade on my layout. I have read several posts and if I am understanding correctly that my grading should be no more that 2 inches per 4 foot. Now the grade will be on a curve...
  5. RxROtto

    DC or DCC???

    Can someone explain the difference between DC & DCC? I have read several posts here and just become more confused. I will be operating N scale on a 3' x 4' layout. It will have two complete circles and several siding tracks.
  6. RxROtto

    N Scale Track Layout

    Can anyone either show me or tell be where I can find N scale layouts that would fit a 3' X 4' board that would be able to operate two trains at once. I am looking for something not too complicated. Thanks for any help RxROtto
  7. RxROtto

    "N" scale Railroader from Florida

    Hello Everyone, I am so excited in joining this forum. I am looking forward to learning and building my first railroad. I have chosen "N" scale for my first. I am going to start small on my first rail project, something like 3' x 4'. I figure that will give me a good first taste of railroading...
