Search results

  1. CharlesH.

    Old Tank Car as Auxiliary Tender

    One of the first rolling stock kits I ever bought was an MDC (aah remember those?) old time tank car. You know, one of those 30 foot jobs with the big cast metal frame and those odd looking Fox trucks. Anyway, with a build date of 1898, this car is waay too old for revenue service on my early...
  2. CharlesH.

    The Other Side Of The Station

    As I mentioned in another thread, I decided to move my station off the layout and make it a part of the backdrop. The limited space makes anything bigger than a flagstop look uncomfortably squeezed in, so now I got this empty lot in front of the platforms and the tracks. So, what would you...
  3. CharlesH.

    A PFE Reefer

    Well, I did it again. It seems to me that no steam era roster would be complete without a Pacific Fruit Express car, so after doing a fair amount of research (That is, squinting long and hard at pictures of models to glean the data), I went ahead and built one. A rebuilt R-40-2, to be specific...
  4. CharlesH.

    The 12 Days of Christmas!

    This is a bit late, but I just couldn't resist.... On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me- A 20th Century Limited seeeet! Add on folks! (And start all over again when we hit 12)
  5. CharlesH.

    Packing Houses

    For years, the only industry on my pike has been this non-descript warehouse I've had since my early years in the hobby and it's starting to look a bit out of place, so I'm looking for a replacement that fits its surroundings a bit better. Since I got more reefers than any other kind of freight...
  6. CharlesH.

    An SP Boxcar

    Several weeks ago, I asked for a few facts and figures from a somewhat obscure SP automobile boxcar... and here's what I did with them. I got the notion to build one of these because I found a nice set of plans that came with the Ambroid kit (, gotta love it) and I had a spare...
  7. CharlesH.

    PFM Sound System.... How did that work???

    Over the years, I've read great things about a rare and wonderful sound system made by Pacific Fast Mail in the 1970's. When I finally saw it I was amazed to see that not only it was on-board sound, but it also had synchronised chuffing, quillable whistle, an optional reverb unit and it served...
  8. CharlesH.

    4-4-2 From an 0-6-0?

    Many years ago, when they still made good movies and the SP still existed, I got a Tyco 0-6-0 that kicked the bucket less than a year after buying it, as it must to all Tyco engines, and it's been taking up space in shelves ever since. Not too long ago I was contemplating its rusted remains...
  9. CharlesH.

    SP Boxcar Car Data

    Some time ago I found plans for an SP 50' wooden boxcar and I'd like to build one over an old Tyco chassis. The plans include a lettering diagram, but outside of the herald, the reporting marks and the word automobile, it's completely unreadable. This is the car in question-...
  10. CharlesH.

    Busted Points on a Micro Engineering Switch

    Here's a little pain in the neck I've had for a while..... Some time ago I was re-doing some scenery, and I had to mask off the track, including a couple of switches. When I was through, I pulled the tape off, and the points came off with it along with the throwbars! I could re-assemble them...
  11. CharlesH.

    Checking In...

    Hello fellas! I've been lurking about your fine establishment and I thought I'd join in. I'm currently in the process of revamping my second layout- the mighty* Great Western Lines, or, a semi-proto-free-lanced class 1 railroad heavily influenced by the SP based in a passable 1941 northern...
