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    Another Wayback Machine photo of a freelanced weathering job, based on a proto photo I found.
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    Another Wayback Machine photo of a freelanced weathering job, based on a proto photo I found. This one shows both sides. Wasn't 100% 'correct' but GOOD ENOUGH for me.
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    Several Gondolas on my old layout (RF&P's Bowman Center), still learning how to do stuff. Circa 2016
  9. Helm Leasing Covered Hopper

    Helm Leasing Covered Hopper

    I took an old Intermountain kit and added my take on a leaser, based on proto photos I took of a real car, down in the Chesapeake/Norfolk VA area.
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    Walthers Proto Weathered Freight Car
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    Walthers Proto Weathered Freight Car
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    Monster Modelworks HO Scale Kit - From my 'wayback' machine. I built it and added LED Gooseneck lights, and made one of the vents on the roof as an on/off button.
  13. ndwolf68

    Greetings from Utah - New to Forum

    Will do, Scott! Probably in the Spring. The wife and I will do an overnight in GR to chase trains.
  14. ndwolf68

    Greetings from Utah - New to Forum

    Salt Lake Valley. I love visiting Green River, to Railfan...
  15. ndwolf68

    Greetings from Utah - New to Forum

    Thanks! Whereabouts in WY?
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    Also started laying shingles on the roof.
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    Insert from Jimmy Simmons' Monster Modelworks HO Kit, to show what I'm working on.
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    Painted the walls of this structure with a brick red, burnt orange, and burnt sienna. Touched up individual bricks, then did a wash of one if Brian Bollinger's amazing Vetero stains. Finally, used my thumbs to rub in lightweight spackle. Gonna let dry and rub off the big, white splotches.
  19. ndwolf68

    Greetings from Utah - New to Forum

    Thanks, and will do! I'll take some new ones today.
  20. ndwolf68

    Greetings from Utah - New to Forum

    Hi all, I was following a lot of model (and Proto) railroad stuff on Facebook for years, but recently decided to get off there - no more "social media" for me. Was looking for an old forum that was started by former Railroad Kits owner, Jimmy Deignan I think this was it, but I'm guessing if it...
