Loksound V5 versus Loksound 5


Well-Known Member
Staff member
What is the "Go" with Loksound? Is there in fact a V5 version? By that I mean an ESU officially produced and named on the packet, V5. I have been hunting around on the web to try and get a picture of one in it's packet, without luck. The closest I've got to one, is this illustration on Model Train Stuff's listings. It indicates a board replacement decoder, which in the header, describes it as a 5, but then in the description, as a V5

Thanks Tom, at long last, an actual enlargeable photo of the product in it's packet with the description printed on it. Which confirms that the only name ESU has given it is 5. Nowhere does it say V5. As I suspected that moniker is an invented one by retailers who should know better. That it is a board replacement type, specifically made for model trains in the American & Australian markets, is a departure from the norm, certainly. L,ooks like a Loksound programmer will be an essential accessory to use them to get the sound file you require. Contradictorally it also says "unlimited variety of sounds" which gives the impression that files are already loaded. Maybe they come with Moo-Cows and Ducky-Wuckies as standard.

It seems odd, that now, most if not all US model makers are going to 21 pin motherboards in their latest releases, something that ESU pioneered, that they have released this board to suit what are now the obsolete, although numerous, models, to compete with the likes of Soundtraxx. I can understand them wanting to move away from multiple, specific sound file type decoders to a generic programmable one, using the downloadable files on their site, but why supersede the previous Loksound Select that probably could have been made that way too. Then go and change it's name as well and give it a number that was in sequence with the Euro product.

If they are that confused, it's no wonder anybody else would be too.
Sorry, I guess I'm confused as to what it is, that is confusing you.
Reading some of the descriptions for, as I now see there are at least 3 types of decoder (at least) available in this range, with different part #'s, 1 board replacement and 2 wired and all apparently "Generic" requiring sound files to be installed into them, by the user, and then described interchangeably as 5 or V5 in the same paragraph, but only as 5 on the packet, I'll retire ungracefully from my question and leave it up to anyone using them, as to which they choose to do so.

With all the function adjustments that appear to be capable with these decoders, it seems ESU have created a separate hobby within the hobby for those who wish to go down that road. Confusion over which title name to give this version, will be a minor consideration. When one considers, that even when using the same brand in all one's locos, that in a consist of Locos it tends to become a general cacophony of sound, with some of those sound nuances, lost in the babble, it seems an overkill. Sort of like standing on a busy railway station platform and trying to hear the loudspeaker announcements.
