Recent content by leesheridan

  1. L

    HOYARDSALES a Joke!!!!

    True. But for some it has to be shown so I stuck the"-" in for clarity.
  2. L

    HOYARDSALES a Joke!!!!

    The problem with your #1 post is that it was N scale. That's why it's called HO-YARD-SALES. I had a reason to email the moderator the other day and his response was fast and accurate. I have had no problems with the site. Now Hoswap is another question. I have had a problem with every purchase...
  3. L

    HO an N mixer

    HO and N Sorry about not getting back, but we took off for a few days. But back to trains. I'm lucky enough to live in an area that still has one mill still working and I have friends in high places within Collins mill. One had pictures of some of the early workings of the Collins history and...
  4. L

    HO an N mixer

    HO and N Thanks for the input. I had started with the N scale and I bought the HO for my dad. When he died it all came back to me and when I started planning this layout, I don't know why but I just started going HO with the thought of going back to the N on a small scale but the floor space...
  5. L

    HO an N mixer

    I'm still in the planing process of a multi-deck layout. The two lower levels will be a mix of one and two levels, and will be HO. The upper level I was thinking of going with N and with the theme of logging. One idea I've had was to have a plume with the logs entering in on the N level and then...
  6. L

    how did you pick a rail line

    My line Growing up the SP line ran right behind our back fence, and I watched them go for years. Staying with my grand parents most of the time the SP yard was just across the road, Of course I was told not to cross the road but there I would go. I met several hobo's and I climbed on just about...
  7. L

    What State do you live in?

    So did you live there in Rocklin in the early 70's when there was a train wreck and it involved 500lb bombs marked for Vietnam? I was stationed at Mather at the time that happened.
  8. L

    Bakersfield show

    Show Thanks Jim. I have to go to Porterville so going the 65 miles isn't much of a trip since I live in Oregon. I'll just tell my wife I'm going to see her mother who lives in Bakersfield. Mike
  9. L

    Bakersfield show

    I have the chance to be in the area of southern Cal. during the 14th of March which is the same time as the show in Bakersfield. Has anyone been to it in the past to know if it is a very good venue?
  10. L

    Is it really worth it to save a minute! Stupid driver

    If they can afford this then the cameras would be cheaper and pay for them selves and as far as proving you didn't do it by the photo all you would have to do would be to show your drivers license. I got caught in Frisco by a red light camera and when the picture came with the ticket, yep it...
  11. L

    Is it really worth it to save a minute! Stupid driver

    close calls That's to bad, it was working and not only saves lives but also saves on water in the process of cleaning ones pants.
  12. L

    Is it really worth it to save a minute! Stupid driver

    close calls Several years ago I lived in Pine Bluff Ark. They had so many people doing this that they put up cameras to catch and fine the drivers. They should do that ever where.
  13. L

    Is it really worth it to save a minute! Stupid driver

    last second Some people just don't understand the law of tonnage!
  14. L Warning!!

    Bob The above item was bought through paypal.
  15. L Warning!!

    Paypal I've had great service from Paypal in getting my money back on a seller from England. I got every penny back and they worked fast to resolve the problem and when they talked to the seller they mentioned something about police involvement the seller backed off. Paypal took the loss and...
